Security Information and Event Management(SIEM). SIEM tools offer real-time reporting of security notifications created by software and applications.
There are many SIEM tools available in Dubai but the task is to identify the most essential tool for your company requirement.
Listing some of the best SIEM for SMB dubai
- Datadog Security Monitoring
- This security provides cloud based network monitoring and log management.
- SolarWinds Security Event Manager
- Very much installed SIEM for SMB with lots of ad on benefits
- LogPoint
- Available as a package for LINUX operating system
- Exabeam Fusion
- This is considered as a a next-gen SIEM or a next-gen XDR
What are the benefits
SIEM has more importance in the cyber and network security aspects.
SIEM tools keep on monitoring the cyber world exclusively for the new incoming of threats or attacks.
It has improved reporting, reduced network cost and compliance with industry standards and government guidelines.
Net Desire Solutions